Wednesday 22 February 2017

A Layman’s Guide to UX and UI and their Relevance to WordPress

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are very significant concepts which have been around for quite a long time in the web development space or for that matter in every creative and tech-based realm. Although both UX and UI are very different in scope and objective, they are the most confused and misused terms in the design and development field.
Understanding user experience design
UX design is basically about enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by optimally developing the usability and pleasant response a visitor experiences with your site. This is basically achieved by aligning the business objectives to the needs of customers, while you test and refine each and every aspect of your site till your audience is satisfied.

Why UX matters to a WordPress specialist
The importance of UX for a brand and business couldn’t be emphasized enough as today’s tech savvy consumers decide within a few seconds whether the site they have landed on is worth staying on. And a WordPress developer conversant with UX design can create a site that can make a customer’s journey through your business website meaningful, immersive and enjoyable. Thus, either you connect with your customers deeply or you lose them and in both the cases the impact on your business is huge.

Defining user interface design
User interface is the physical elements that enable users to interact with a technology or product. UI designers create controls, buttons, typography, icons in order to solve the interaction issues for your audience. Suppose your WordPress UI designer is creating the admin dashboard, they will decide whether to use a button, arrow or slider to execute a task.

Interpreting UI in terms of WordPress web development
User interface visually portrays the elements that UX designer has laid out. It is of paramount importance that your WordPress web design agency designs a site that is intuitive and highly functional and your audience gets a seamless experience navigating through your site. For instance, WordPress themes with same functionality yet different UI can gather different response from users. One that is more interactive and convenient to use will be downloaded more.

Monday 6 February 2017

How Angular 2 Excels Over React in Front End Development?

The front end development has been redirected by Angular 2 as this JavaScript framework by Google is rewritten in TypeScript, a JavaScript superset maintained by Microsoft. React, the JavaScript library from Facebook is also rocking the market by making front end development more efficient. Although it is unfair to compare Angular 2 and React as the former is a framework and the latter is a library (only the View in the MVC), still we are going to discuss which one surpasses the other since both are concerned with front end development.

React is unique as a client side library as it enables you to develop frontend comfortably re-using the declarative plugins. That in turn makes it very efficient in framing. One of its distinct features is its Flux architecture. The process through which React transforms code is dependent on Flux. After HTML and CSS, Flux is considered as the most convenient architecture. Moreover, React has libraries that are more convenient to JavaScript developers that are new to development. It is also very helpful in migrating your Jquery code.

However, there are many things that make Angular 2 unique and also in the practical programming world, Angular 2 offers you more facilities than React. TypeScript ensures you to do more reliable than just lesser code. To avoid bugs arising due to typing syntax, TypeScript enables advanced IntelliSense experience for Angular experts via a complete set of features. Moreover, it has enhanced dependency injection and services. Whenever, you need to import any dependency in your application, dependency injection comes in the picture. It provides a new object of a class with the required dependency. Angular uses dependency injection to provide any new component with services because mostly dependencies are services.

If you are want to build the most powerful, highly functional and high-performing application, it is high time that you get in touch with an Angular Development Agency to fast track your idea into reality. You can also consider an outsourced front end development to make it more cost effective. Consult an Outsourcing angular agency to get the maximum return on investment.

Sunday 5 February 2017

Improve Your Ext JS Application With 5 Steps

Ext JS framework is in the news for all the right reasons in the Technology and Innovation column. With the mobile first generation and the era of mobile apps, the requirement for single page applications and web application has increased to a great extent.
And this is where Ext JS is giving tough competition to other JavaScript Technologies like React.JS or AngularJS. And with the release of Sencha Cmd for Ext JS, Ext JS has gained more popularity for web application development. But the learning curve of the framework is a bit steep. But we are here to help you improve your development in Ext JS framework!
It is important to ensure that all the application development begins with the following steps:

#Tip1 Define Components

When you are building your UI, you can improve your development in Ext JS by defining your own classes. It is always better to define your own components as this will allow your code to be more development friendly. It becomes reusable, testable and easy to maintain. Also, defining your own component is very easy where you can name your files and define one component for each file in Ext JS technology. This way of going about with Ext JS development will offer a clear directory structure.

#Tip2 Get an Event Manager

It is important to centralize all the events for quality development with Ext JS technology. The simplest event manager can be built with Ext JS. Get an event manager that is available online for Ext JS development. Using a event manager can help in simplifying the code while development. Also, this prepares you for changes in the future availing ease in edits in the code.

#Tip3 Override the Framework

This step is important if you wish to improve your development with Ext JS framework. You need to work in special file (or dir) to override the framework. Then test your upgrade to latest version of Ext JS, you will see all the integration points for inspection in one place. You can also try using the standard directory layout for upgrading to the new framework.

#Tip4 Choose Ext JS SPA

Yes, may be your heart goes out to classic web app as an Ext JS development expert. But honestly, Ext JS framework suits single page application and thus Ext JS SPA is preferred any day. This is highly recommended by our Ext JS development specialists. If you are confused between two tiers – Ext JS and service, then you need to know that these two aspects have no similar endpoint. Your design will be much improved and clear if you separate the UI components and the data. If your web application development project requires you to work with server side script tags and generation of Ext JS configs, then you should write the code in considering two tiers and put them in .js files.

#Tip5 Get Ext JS Development Expert

Taking guidance from an Ext JS development expert will help you improve your solution quality. Since Ext JS is not an open source technology, it requires special skills or Ext JS development specialist to solve the issues of Ext JS application development. Also, the Ext JS framework is backed by a huge community of Ext JS Development experts who can help you find solutions for your problems.

Summing Up

Ext JS Technology is among emerging JavaScript framework which is being preferred for single page application and web application development. And if you are considering learning Ext JS or are a Ext JS developer, you must keep tuned into our blogs to get tips to improve your solutions quality. We curate content just for you from our team of Ext JS development Specialists.

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Saturday 4 February 2017

The Better Practices In Ext JS Technology

For single page applications or web applications, Ext JS is proving to be a very impactful JavaScript framework. It offers rich and robust web applications. However, the learning curve for Ext JS technology is slightly steep. You need to invest time and have patience to learn the technology.
If you have new developers trying to work for an Ext JS project, it is possible that your team might encounter issues while the development process. Our highly experienced Ext JS development experts helped us in creating a few pointers for development with Ext JS framework, so that beginners or design agencies can get better insights about Ext JS technology.
Before starting with the development practices in Ext JS, we would like you to know that Ext JS is not an open source technology but it is backed by Ext JS community offering great support where you can find the solutions for bugs or issues during development process.

Folder and Code Structure

 Development in any technology must start with good structure. But specifically, in the case of Ext JS, the maintenance of folder and code structure is crucial. And you need to ensure that you are highly organized in your folder structure.
Basically, the code structure can be divided into two specific parts:
1. Project Structure Maintenance
Beginning with the view in the folderization, it is not advisable to put all the view under the “views” directory. As it could be difficult to find the source of a particular view if the developer is a beginner or offers a very impressive way of doing things. One way to go about placing the view is by placing the views in the sub folders through filters of relevance and function or both. So when your project grows and the views increase, you can easily add the segmented views to the folder structure. This will make your code structure very organized and looking for any code file will be easier at any given point of time in the development process.
2. Source Code of Coding Standard
Of course, we all want to offer quality solutions. For doing the same as best practices of Ext JS development, you need to define the coding standard before you process with the development process. So that you live up to the code quality, its reusability and eventually you can expect your development to also improve.

Use Ext.override

This is a brilliant function that is offered by Ext JS framework and the Ext JS development specialists happen to use it. This allows override of the base class that will finally affect the action of that class and the other classes in it. Also, this will be helpful when you upgrade to version of the framework. However, there are chances that you might have to override the classes but for this you need to stay organized with the classes. Make sure that you don’t put all the overrides in one file and continue to do that. Keep them separate and comment the reasons behind the outcome of the changes made then.

Avoid Extra Layouts

This is one aspect of development in Ext JS other than the views that you need to be careful about. Otherwise, you can land up having a messy code structure. Too many layouts can be a nuisance for Ext JS application development. But keeping it neat is always a very difficult idea. The new components, changing component’s size or updating the layout can be a handful task. So there are chances that you encounter a code block. For this, this code patch can help you.
 For cruding the code records, you can use the grid to create and organize the multiple layouts.
Using these code practices can help you in avoiding the unnecessary layouts in Ext JS development. This will also help you in the long term and will keep your code optimized leading to a smooth web application development.

Grid DataSets

You can always use third party plugins for creating grid panels to deduce the large grid datasets in the code. Basically, when you create grid panels, the infinite scrolling feature or the rows can be easily rendered to the screen whenever required.
 With the help of the bufferzone, you can render more rows to the screen and structure the large grid datasets.

Avoid Overnesting

This is generally a problem with most of the web application development frameworks that Ext JS developers land up doing i.e. Nesting too many component in one item list. This occurs when there is one item in the list and this item has other items inside it. This item again defines other components in the view which leads to the clutter. This can be ignored if the functionality remains the same. Over nesting can be avoided by creating different list for items, this way you can save your code from the DOM burden. Also, this causes an overall impact on the speed and performance of the web application. So ensure that you avoid overnesting of components to speed up the performance of your web applications.


Ext JS is a framework by Sencha and they are bringing in new and improved features with every upgrade. The features and functionality of Ext JS are mainly emphasized on the performance. Sencha is also introducing plugins like Ext.grid.plugin.CellUpdating which will enable the developers to sidestep the performance issues that Ext JS possess currently. Moreover, for any framework the development capabilities depends on the developer, whether he/she can use the right way to make the most of the framework.
If you encounter any queries in development with Ext JS framework, you can always reach out to us here: Our web development experts will be happy to help you. Have a great day!